Sounds True Presents

The Inner Dimensions of Mastering Money

Align with the Power and Flow of Money in Your Life

Embark on an illuminating journey into the inner realm of money to:

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    Discover your personal pathway to financial abundance– learn specific techniques to dismiss the internal disrupters keeping you from realizing financial equanimity.
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    Increase your confidence in managing money– explore and reframe multigenerational patterns that negatively impact your money mindset and financial habits.
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    Experience greater peace and well-being– Learn effective therapeutic techniques to heal financial trauma and ease money anxiety
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    Align yourself for greater abundance– Cultivate a healthy and rewarding relationship with money that synergizes with your work and the opportunities before you

“About a decade ago, my wife looked at me and said, ‘At the end of your life, you are really going to regret how much time and energy you’ve spent worrying about money.’ I knew she was right.” Tami Simon

Money. We need it. We want it.

Often, our sense of self-worth is attached to it. Yet, for so many of us, our finances produce the greatest source of stress, anxiety, fear, guilt, and shame.

Is it possible to experience a healthy, sane, and rewarding relationship with money that expands our capacity to receive without sacrificing our values or our sense of well-being?

Diverging from mainstream money courses fixated on financial management, get-rich-quick schemes, or esoteric manifestation techniques, we intentionally turn our focus inward for an honest exploration and inquiry regarding our inner beliefs, generational patterns, and societal conditioning that inhibit money from flowing into our lives.

We’re bringing together a distinguished panel of esteemed teachers who specialize in the art of mastering money to guide you on a healing and transformative journey through the essential inner dimensions to transcend negative money beliefs and behaviors and embrace supportive habits that align with your deepest longings and highest values.

Why? Because when you courageously undertake this inner journey, you can develop an empowering and personal relationship with money as a friendly force that sustains and supports you in contributing your gifts and making a profound impact on others.

Meet Your Teachers

Rha Goddess

Founder and CEO of Move the Crowd, soul coach, cultural innovator, social impact strategist, creative change agent, and author of The Calling: Three Fundamental Shifts to Stay True, Get Paid, and Do Good

Judy Wilkins-Smith

Family patterns expert, founder of System Dynamics for Individuals & Organizations, motivational speaker, and author of Decoding Your Emotional Blueprint

Spencer Sherman, MBA, CFP®

Leading financial advisor, author, public speaker, and the founder and former CEO of Abacus, a values-driven financial consulting firm managing more than $3 billion in assets

Joyce Marter, LCPC

Licensed psychotherapist, mental health expert, international speaker, and author of The Financial Mindset Fix: A Mental Fitness Program for an Abundant Life

Your Host

Tami Simon

Founder of Sounds True multimedia publishing company, Host of Insights at the Edge podcast and author of Being True: What Matters Most in Work, Life, and Love

Who This Course is For

You can’t seem to get ahead financially and wonder if you’ll ever have enough money to afford your own home or start a family.

No matter how hard you work or focus on your finances—earning, saving, spending—you can’t push through that proverbial glass ceiling.

You’ve made financial progress and enjoy a comfortable lifestyle, but you often worry because you have little to no savings.

College debt, rising interest rates, and the higher cost of living keep you in a constant state of anxiety that adversely affects your relationships and your work.

You earn enough to make ends meet, but you want to stop the stressful cycle of living paycheck to paycheck.

Growing up, you experienced a lot of financial trauma. You’re concerned you might be passing on negative money beliefs and patterns to your children.

If any of the above sound similar to your experience with money, we invite you to join us.

3 Phases. Radical Revelations.


Undertake a brave and honest inquiry into the internal barriers and patterns that inhibit the flow of money in your life


Transcend limitations to create a personal relationship with money that aligns with your core values and your highest aspirations


Empower yourself and your family by taking decisive actions to consciously expand your capacity to receive, save, and spend money

Four Areas We’ll Explore Together

Our nine-session online course teaches you how to master your relationship with money through exploring these four inner dimensions:

Mental Wealth: Healing Financial Trauma and Money Anxiety

Examining the interconnectedness between money, mental health, and self-worth, you learn how to use effective therapeutic techniques, tools, and strategies to heal money wounds, free yourself from guilt, shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance, and advocate and negotiate for yourself in a respectful way.

Reframing Your Money Story: A Brave and Compassionate Approach

Identifying the origins of your money story, you uncover the negative familial beliefs that continue to influence your money behaviors. Through a wisdom-based approach, you learn how to reframe your money story using the liberating practice of compassion and applying Buddhist principles to earn more and feel good about it, spend in alignment with your values, and increase your savings through automation.

A Wise Mentor: Developing an Empowering Relationship with Money

Exploring your money DNA, you discover the inherited ancestral and multigenerational patterns that impact the flow of money in your life. Embracing a possibility mindset, you overcome perceived limits and establish a more empowering relationship with money—a relationship where you become a change agent in shifting your financial patterns and your financial future.

Reimagining Wealth: Reclaiming Your Right to Prosper and Thrive

Renegotiating the societal conditioning that you have to trade or sacrifice your values or your soul to thrive financially, you challenge long-held assumptions, reimagine work and wealth, and architect a new reality that aligns your soul’s work with the greatest opportunity for your growth, contribution, and prosperity.

What's Included

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    Nine Video-Learning Sessions
    Engage in over 4 hours of empowering teachings with money mastery experts
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    Money Clinics
    Apply therapeutic techniques, tools, and strategies during expert-led workshops
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    Intuitive Learning Platform
    Enjoy easy access to video learning sessions, coursework, and recordings

Plus Three Special Bonuses

The Powerful Connection Between Self-Worth and Financial Abundance, with Joyce Marter

Bonus 1

Money Accountability: How to Establish a Strong Partner Relationship, with Spencer Sherman

Bonus 2

Engaging the Senses to Master Your Money Mindset, with Judy Wilkins-Smith

Bonus 3

Join us for The Inner Dimensions of Mastering Money

Registration Closes on September 21

Course Begins on September 23

Single Payment Best Value

$ 297 Limited Time Only

100% Money Back Guarantee

If you're dissatisfied for any reason, simply let us know within one year for a full refund.

Secure Checkout

All orders are processed on a secure server. If you prefer to order by phone, call 1 (800) 333-9185.

Course Curriculum

Three modules. Engaging lessons. We’ve built this course to be informative, inspiring, and adaptable to your busy schedule.

Module 1

Your Money Story

Discover Your Money DNA, with Judy Wilkins-Smith

In this session, you’ll explore what has shaped your money-mind from a multi-generational perspective. What are the ancestral beliefs in your family system that you have inherited about money? What is holding you back from rewriting the narrative? When you change your beliefs and patterns about money, you become empowered to change your financial patterns and future.

Your Money Story

Reframing Our Money Beliefs Through the Eyes of Compassion, with Spencer Sherman

In this segment, you will connect with your younger self and see how your set of beliefs about money emerged from within your family system and community. What beliefs did you develop and why? How do you act on these beliefs? When you view your young self and your family system with compassion, you can begin to reframe and shift these beliefs and discern precisely what you need to optimize growth. This session features a guided meditation on compassion and practices designed to liberate you from limiting beliefs and attachments.

Your Money Story

The First Renegotiation: Your Money Or Your Soul: Reclaiming the Right to (Financially) Thrive, with Rha Goddess

Most of us have been conditioned to believe that in order to financially thrive we have to trade joy, freedom, and authenticity for growth and prosperity. But what if that wasn’t true? What if we could work in ways that were far more life-giving and financially prosperous? In this session, Rha walks us through a four-step ritual that gives us the tools to reclaim our past narratives around money and invite a new possibility for greater financial freedom and success.

Your Money Story

Healing Financial Trauma: Clinic with Joyce Marter

In this transformational workshop, you will explore how past financial trauma (including intergenerational trauma) may be impairing your financial wellness and mental health. You’ll learn practical tools and strategies for recovering from financial trauma by embracing your worth and shifting from a mindset of scarcity to abundance. The workshop will close with a healing meditation that incorporates techniques from EMDR, an empirically supported trauma therapy protocol.

Module 2

Mastering Your Relationship with Money

Becoming a Master Magician: What Can Your Money DNA Become in Your Hands? with Judy Wilkins-Smith

In this session, Judy leads us in learning to embrace “possibility thinking” so that we “add value, do less, and earn more,” which to many of us feels a bit like magic. You will investigate a clear strategy for changing your Money DNA by embracing one new thought, one new feeling, and one new action—and making this strategy a habit. How do we acknowledge our lineage for the gifts we received while moving on? You will learn how to break through perceived limits and bandwidths and become a change agent for multi-generational patterns. With possibility thinking, you can logically and consciously design your goals in ways that bring you what you want: abundance.

Mastering Your Relationship with Money

The Seven Pillars of Money: A Wisdom-Based Approach, with Spencer Sherman

In this two-part session, you will become deeply acquainted with your relationship to the the Seven Pillars of Money—earning, spending, saving, investing, borrowing, giving, and communicating. The more you examine these pillars, the clearer it is that your beliefs themselves drive behavior. Beliefs shelter you, keep you fixed, and prevent action. Instead, you can overhaul your beliefs so you trust yourself, take decisive action, and shift your behavior. You’ll also learn practical money-making strategies such as Under Promise and Over Deliver, generosity as the true path to abundance, and why emotional intelligence accelerates financial success. In short, you’ll learn how to align your values with your financial well-being.

Mastering Your Relationship with Money

Healing Money Anxiety: Clinic with Joyce Marter

In this refreshing workshop, you will learn the common causes and symptoms of money anxiety. You will learn practical tools and strategies for managing your money anxiety, including thought stopping, thought records, cultivating healthy detachment, exposure therapy, and more. You will examine the interrelationship between anxiety and undue guilt, freeing yourself from emotions that are keeping you from the financial prosperity that would allow you to be of greater service to others.

Module 3

Money and the Power of Your Soul

Deepening Your Relationship with Money as a Wise Mentor: Going on a Money Walk, a Money Token, and Money Gratitude and Blessings, with Judy Wilkins-Smith

What does it mean to have a relationship with money as a wise being, a trusted mentor, and friend? How do we develop a powerful relationship with money so it can inform, guide, and flow with abundance? In this session, Judy gives you instructions for taking a “money walk,” conveying your gratitude to money, and other ways to have conversations with money, not about it. Full of insights and reflections, Judy will teach you to reframe your money story, underscoring the guiding principle that money is not a commodity, it is a relationship.

Money and the Power of Your Soul

The Second Renegotiation: Whose Work Is It Anyway?: How to Realign with the Work of Your Soul, with Rha Goddess

When it comes to the world of work, many of us trade passion for pragmatism. We have ideas, inspirations, and visions that often get put on the shelf when we need to make money. Or we assume that loving what we do requires financial sacrifice. But what if the key to a more abundant reality lived inside of our ability to identify and honor our unique voices and contributions? In this session, Rha guides us through a process of tapping into our greatest potential for prosperity and contribution through the work of our soul.

Money and the Power of Your Soul

The Third Renegotiation: Welcome to a Changed New World: Reimagining Work… Reimagining Wealth, with Rha Goddess

Many of us hold ingrained perceptions about the state of our world. We have resigned ourselves to certain “truths” that often govern the choices we make. But what if we could challenge those assumptions in a way that encouraged greater agency, autonomy, and impact? In this session, Rha humbly offers up the building blocks for architecting a new reality so you can thrive, aligned with your values instead of stuck in outdated habits.

Money and the Power of Your Soul

Clarify Your Financial Boundaries: Clinic with Joyce Marter

In this empowering workshop, you will examine your financial boundaries in relation to yourself, your loved ones, and your work. You will identify how setting healthy boundaries boosts your mental, relational, and financial health. Joyce offers you assertiveness training to help you find your voice, so you can advocate for yourself, negotiate, and transform your financial health. Through a trauma-informed perspective on boundaries, you’ll secure your self-worth, adopt strategies for assertive financial communication, and learn to negotiate with respect for self and others.

Frequently Asked Questions

For courageous learners who are willing to explore their inner beliefs, patterns, and behaviors around money. You want to go deeper into the “inner work” of cultivating a healthy, sane, and rewarding relationship with money. You enjoy the rewards of self-discovery and are ready to actively participate in learning how to align your inner dimensions with the power and flow of money in your life.
In this course, our expert teachers focus on exploring the inner dimensions as opposed to the external dimensions. Through this introspective journey, you learn how to reprogram your beliefs, patterns, and conditioning that impact the flow of money in your life. Instead of focusing on pragmatic or mystical ways of acquiring wealth, this course is designed to support you in cultivating a healthy, sane, and rewarding relationship with money based on your highest values. Because when you feel at ease, confident, and empowered in your relationship with money, you transform money into a friendly force that sustains and supports you in powerfully contributing your gifts and making a profound impact on those around you.

Delivered in three modules, this course includes 4.5 hours of instructional videos led by expert teachers. The detailed course curriculum can be found a bit higher on this page, and a full schedule of this course will be provided when you enroll.

To experience deep and lasting results, we encourage you to set aside three hours per week to attend the instructional video training and complete the coursework in each module. Participants who commit to our courses and programs by actively participating experience optimal results.

Departing from traditional financial management courses that teach you how to invest and save money, this course is designed to address our inner dimensions regarding money—inner beliefs, familial patterns, and societal conditioning—that operate without our conscious awareness. Through this inner work and discovery, we heal our money story and the generational patterns that inhibit money from flowing into our lives.

What's Included

  • bullet
    Nine Video-Learning Sessions
    Engage in over 4 hours of empowering teachings with money mastery experts
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    Money Clinics
    Apply therapeutic techniques, tools, and strategies during expert-led workshops
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    Learning Platform
    Enjoy easy access to video learning sessions, coursework, and recordings

Join us for The Inner Dimensions of Mastering Money

Registration Closes on September 21

Course Begins on September 23

Single Payment Best Value

$ 297 Limited Time Only

100% Money Back Guarantee

If you're dissatisfied for any reason, simply let us know within one year for a full refund.

Secure Checkout

All orders are processed on a secure server. If you prefer to order by phone, call 1 (800) 333-9185.





Presence FAQ

Can I participate in an Inquiry discussion group?

The Diamond Approach is offering live, online Inquiry groups to accompany this course at a discounted rate — $100 for eight, 90-minute sessions, where you’ll take turns with other students working one-on-one with an expert teacher. This is completely optional and available after purchasing Presence.


How do I purchase Presence: Venture into the Heart of Enlightenment?

You can purchase it here.


How do I access Presence: Venture into the Heart of Enlightenment after I have purchased it?

To access your course, you will need to:

  • Log in to your Sounds True account
  • Click on “Digital Library” (located in the maroon navigation bar at the top right of the page)
  • Click on “Online Courses” (located on the left side of the page)
  • Find Presence: Venture into the Heart of Enlightenment
  • Click on “go to course”


How do I contact customer service?

You may contact us Monday–Friday, 8 am–5 pm MT.
Phone: US Customers 1.800.333.9185 #3
Phone: International Customers 1.303.665.3151 #3


What browsers do you recommend?

We recommend the most recent version of Safari for Mac users or Google Chrome for PC users (with a second choice of Firefox). We do not recommend using Internet Explorer—but if you must, please use version 11 or higher.


How do I access my bonuses?

To access Realization Unfolds: A Conversation between A.H. Almaas and Adyashanti, you will need to:

  • Log in to your Sounds True account
  • Click on “Digital Library” (located in the maroon navigation bar at the top right of the page)
  • Click on “Online Courses” (located on the left side of the page)
  • Find Realization Unfolds: A Conversation between A.H. Almaas and Adyashanti
  • Click on “go to course”


I already have the bonus in my library. Can I substitute it for something else?

Unfortunately, it is part of the bundle, and substitutions are not allowed.


Can I download the course audio or video content to a computer or mobile device?

You can download the audio/video content onto your computer or Android mobile device. With the exception of eBooks, Apple has restrictions that prevent items from being downloaded directly to iOS devices, unless purchased from iTunes or Apple. Digital items may be downloaded to your computer and then synchronized to your iOS device via iTunes. Courses are also available to stream within the Sounds True App.


Can I stream the live sessions from a computer or my mobile device?

Live sessions are viewable on Mac and PC. You can stream them on Android and Apple mobile devices through the browser. If you are not using WiFi, please check with your mobile carrier, as additional data rates may apply.


How do I know what time live sessions start if I live abroad or in a different time zone?

All events are Eastern Time unless otherwise noted. Here is the schedule. Please use a time zone converter of your choice or


Why is the video player blank, or why can’t I hear it?

Player solutions:

  • The session has not started. Please wait a few minutes.
  • Try refreshing your browser window or clearing your browser’s cache.
  • If the broadcast stops or you see a black screen, try refreshing your browser window.
  • If you are using a Windows PC, we recommend using the Google Chrome web browser.
  • If you are on a Mac, we recommend using the Safari web browser.
  • If you can’t hear anything, check the two places your volume is controlled. One is your video player and the other is your computer.


Are the sessions live or prerecorded?

The course videos are prerecorded. Videos noted as “Live” are live.


What is your return policy?

Click here for the Sounds True return policy.