This free video is an introduction to Jon’s eight-session online learning intensive, Opening to Our Lives. In it, you’ll discover how a regular mindfulness meditation practice can:
The Diamond Approach is offering live, online Inquiry groups to accompany this course at a discounted rate — $100 for eight, 90-minute sessions, where you’ll take turns with other students working one-on-one with an expert teacher. This is completely optional and available after purchasing Presence.
You can purchase it here.
To access your course, you will need to:
You may contact us Monday–Friday, 8 am–5 pm MT.
Phone: US Customers 1.800.333.9185 #3
Phone: International Customers 1.303.665.3151 #3
We recommend the most recent version of Safari for Mac users or Google Chrome for PC users (with a second choice of Firefox). We do not recommend using Internet Explorer—but if you must, please use version 11 or higher.
To access Realization Unfolds: A Conversation between A.H. Almaas and Adyashanti, you will need to:
Unfortunately, it is part of the bundle, and substitutions are not allowed.
You can download the audio/video content onto your computer or Android mobile device. With the exception of eBooks, Apple has restrictions that prevent items from being downloaded directly to iOS devices, unless purchased from iTunes or Apple. Digital items may be downloaded to your computer and then synchronized to your iOS device via iTunes. Courses are also available to stream within the Sounds True App.
Live sessions are viewable on Mac and PC. You can stream them on Android and Apple mobile devices through the browser. If you are not using WiFi, please check with your mobile carrier, as additional data rates may apply.
All events are Eastern Time unless otherwise noted. Here is the schedule. Please use a time zone converter of your choice or
Player solutions:
The course videos are prerecorded. Videos noted as “Live” are live.
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