You can’t always avoid difficult situations, but you can control how they affect you.
It’s a power you can learn, a power of connection, compassion, and, yes, awareness.
And through that power, you can not only discover peace, liberation, and relief for yourself, you can also become a catalyst for positive change in the world.
If there’s ever been a time for us to explore how to deepen our awareness, this is it.
With ongoing global health concerns, vast racial and economic disparities, and climate devastation, our world is desperate for greater understanding and compassion. When you understand the transformative, healing power of mindful awareness, you can dramatically shift the experience of your life, the people in it, and the world itself.
Developing awareness helps us navigate and respond with lovingkindness, rather than react along our same rigid patterns of thought. When you break free from your well-worn stories, you are able to respond with greater understanding and compassion. Awareness is a deeper knowing, a stabilizing that you can carry in all parts of your life.
One of the most beautiful things about mindful awareness is that anyone can develop it. Anyone can nurture a practice that helps them connect more meaningfully with others, take time for themselves, and widen their sense of who they are.
If this is something that calls to you, we invite you to experience The Power of Awareness, an in-depth mindfulness training program created to help you take the next step in your personal and spiritual evolution.
As you navigate the course’s 12 learning modules, you’ll learn valuable mindfulness skills, develop a regular meditation practice, and obtain a certificate from the Awareness Training Institute and the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley—all while you experience the power of awareness to transform your life and the world.
Join us!
Jack, Tara, Konda & Devin
A mindfulness practice enhances your capacity to respond to life’s challenges with clarity, compassion, and confidence. In The Power of Awareness, you’ll learn empowering mindfulness practices that nurture and support you in:
For a limited time, you can save 40% off the regular price.
Jack, Tara, Konda, and Devin guide you step-by-step through mindfulness concepts, practices, and instructions in immersive video training sessions.
Receive a certificate from the University of California, Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center and the Awareness Training Institute.
Guided Meditations for Self-Healing
Audio Program with Jack Kornfield
The Healing Presence—how to use the earth itself as your foundation to support you in self-diagnosis and restoration
The Healing Temple—a guided visualization to your inner sanctuary, encountering the great healer, and receiving the necessary symbols and messages for healing
The Healing Power of Love—directing the luminous spirit of lovingkindness to all the places in your body and spirit that are in need
Audio Program with Tara Brach
This audio program is a collection of insights and practices for bringing compassion, clarity, and understanding to your emotional life—instead of expressing or repressing it in unhealthy ways.
Meditations include:
How to work with trauma, fear, and shame
Forgiveness meditation
Compassion meditation
Invoking loving presence in the face of difficulty
The power of yes
Certificate of Completion
from the University of California, Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center and the Awareness Training Institute (ATI)
ATI created The Power of Awareness in collaboration with UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, which studies the psychology, sociology, and neuroscience of well-being and teaches skills that foster a thriving, resilient, and compassionate society.
The program is built on fundamental principles of mindfulness, synthesizing scientifically proven methods with decades of Jack and Tara’s own experiential learnings.
Course Starts on March 10, 2025
If you’re dissatisfied for any reason, simply let us know within one year for a full refund.
100% Money Back Guarantee
If you’re dissatisfied for any reason, simply let us know within one year for a full refund.
All orders are processed on secure server. If you prefer to order by phone, call 1 (800) 333-9185.
Devin’s teaching is rooted in the Buddhadharma and mindfulness daily life practices. He co-founded the Teen Sangha and Men of Color Deep Refuge Group. Over the years, Devin’s work has included leading wilderness camps for teens, rites-of-passage programs for tweens, and a summer camp for boys. Devin co-created Deep Time Liberation, an ancestral healing journey that explores the impact of ancestral legacy and intergenerational trauma on Black Americans. He is passionate about the power of witnessing and storytelling as a tool of liberation.
Internationally known meditation teacher Tara Brach has a PhD in clinical psychology and is the author of several bestselling books, including Radical Acceptance, Radical Compassion, and Trusting the Gold. Her popular weekly podcast on emotional healing and spiritual awakening is downloaded about 3 million times a month. As a cofounder and teacher of The Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program (MMTCP), Tara is deeply engaged with the leadership team in promoting equity and inclusivity in all facets of the program.
One of the key teachers to introduce Buddhist mindfulness practice to the West, Jack trained as a Buddhist monk in the monasteries of Thailand, India, and Burma. He co-founded the Insight Meditation Society with fellow meditation teachers Sharon Salzberg and Joseph Goldstein, as well as the Spirit Rock Center in Woodacre, California. His many books have been translated into 22 languages and sold more than 1.5 million copies. They include The Wise Heart; A Path with Heart; After the Ecstasy, the Laundry; and No Time Like the Present.
Mindfulness teacher, social entrepreneur, and climate and social justice activist, Konda was introduced to Tibetan Buddhism in 1982 and became a student of Lama Zopa. She has been on the Mentor Leadership Team of The Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program and co-created its Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility curriculum. Konda is founder and president of Jubilee Justice, a nonprofit committed to ending rural racism, and has turned her efforts toward bringing justice to Black farming communities in Louisiana.
Establishing Your Practice
Understanding Mindful Presence
Deepening Our Capacity for Presence
Awakening in the Body
In Module 2, you’ll learn how to bring mindful presence and curiosity to the realm of the body and its constant ebb and flow of sensations. You’ll unhitch from distractions of the mind, memory, and modern culture and return to a sense of wholeness, right here in the present moment.
Coming Back to Our Bodies
The Gift of Embodied Awareness
Welcome to Your Mindful Movement Journey
Mindfulness of Emotions
In Module 3, you’ll turn to the realm of emotions and feeling states, the drivers of so many actions and reactions. You will learn to identify and connect with the emotions that arise during meditation and shift your relationship to them, leading to a sense of liberation and clarity.
Recognizing Our Emotions
Naming Feelings
Freedom with Thoughts
In Module 4, you’ll venture into the domain of thoughts, those powerful forces that inspire you to thrive, create, and act—yet can also immobilize and trap you. Through deepening your mindful practice, you’ll bring attention and intimate observation to your thoughts so you can free yourself from limiting beliefs and stories.
Lost in Thought
Thoughts Are Real but Not True
In Module 5, you’ll adopt a powerful strategy for awakening presence in challenging moments: the RAIN practice. The RAIN acronym—Recognize, Allow, Investigate, and Nurture—is a versatile tool for self-compassion and finding calm amid disruption and activation.
An Introduction to RAIN: Bringing a Healing Presence to Difficulty
RAIN and Self-Compassion
Fear, Trauma, Trust, and Healing
In Module 6, you will approach the fraught territory of fear, trauma, and loss with awareness and loving compassion. With systematic tools and practices, you will learn how to find safety, strength, and steadiness through difficult experiences and painful memories.
Finding Our Resources
Fear and Freedom
Loving Your Life
In Module 7, you will offer yourself the transformative practices of self-forgiveness and lovingkindness, freeing up emotions, thoughts, and habitual patterns that keep us stuck. Forgiveness and lovingkindness expand the heart and create space in your life for healing and compassion—essential forces for growth.
The Art of Lovingkindness
Training in Forgiveness
Loving Others
In Module 8, you will feel into a sense of profound interconnection by extending forgiveness and compassion to others—in your life as well as the wider world. With the prior modules as a foundation, you’ll inquire into how healing relational wounds can ripple outward to bridge community divides.
Forgiving Others
Holding Others in Our Hearts
Daily Life
In Module 9, you’ll learn to bring an openhearted presence to your daily life: the way you flow, race, plod, or sleepwalk through your days and routines. With these lessons, you’ll practice meaningful ways to offer your unique self—your gifts—to the world. You’ll loosen your hold on negative thoughts and turn your attention to the everyday delights of the present moment.
Arriving in Our Lives
Negativity Bias
Realizing Who We Are
In Module 10, you’ll learn to bring curiosity and gentle self-inquiry to the innermost realm of your true self. With the mindfulness and compassion practices you’ve honed, you’ll be invited to shed your armor and invite your benevolent inner light to shine through. You will feel more at home in your life.
The One Who Knows
Trusting Our Basic Goodness
Widening the Circles of Compassion
In Module 11, you’ll embrace the call to action at the heart of this course: shifting outward from personal and relational mindfulness and offering your compassion to the world. Here, you’ll find you become so much more than a witness to suffering, you become a healing presence and a force for good.
Bodhisattva Path
The World’s Suffering and Healing
Caring for the World
In Module 12, you will integrate one of the core missions of the course: how mindful compassion practices help us restore a sense of collective belonging that, over time, reduces suffering. You will shine the light of awareness on your biases, then heal and release them. Embracing the feeling of grounding these powerful practices deliver, you’ll be compelled to a path of engagement, transformation, and collective change.
Bridging Divides that Imprison Our Hearts
Love in Action
While there’s no shortage of online lessons on meditation and mindfulness, The Power of Awareness is truly in a class by itself, taught by some of the most experienced and celebrated teachers in the West. In addition to the invaluable support of personal mentoring groups, The Power of Awareness also offers something entirely unique—a reimagined approach to mindfulness training that includes more trauma-informed, diversity, and access-centered teachings with the intention to create a sense of belonging for all learners, no matter their background or experience with mindfulness. Through 26 core course video sessions, as well as movement, meditation, and retreat videos and carefully curated bonus material, you’ll receive a complete training experience— 21 hours—giving you a comprehensive foundation for a vibrant, lifelong practice.
Absolutely! You can explore The Power of Awareness risk-free for an entire year. If this course fails to meet your expectations for any reason, simply contact Sounds True’s customer service for a full refund.
Please visit our Help Center for 24/7 support and to find answers to commonly asked questions.
Course Starts on March 10, 2025
If you’re dissatisfied for any reason, simply let us know within one year for a full refund.
100% Money Back Guarantee
If you’re dissatisfied for any reason, simply let us know within one year for a full refund.
All orders are processed on secure server. If you prefer to order by phone, call 1 (800) 333-9185.
The Diamond Approach is offering live, online Inquiry groups to accompany this course at a discounted rate — $100 for eight, 90-minute sessions, where you’ll take turns with other students working one-on-one with an expert teacher. This is completely optional and available after purchasing Presence.
You can purchase it here.
To access your course, you will need to:
You may contact us Monday–Friday, 8 am–5 pm MT.
Phone: US Customers 1.800.333.9185 #3
Phone: International Customers 1.303.665.3151 #3
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To access Realization Unfolds: A Conversation between A.H. Almaas and Adyashanti, you will need to:
Unfortunately, it is part of the bundle, and substitutions are not allowed.
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Live sessions are viewable on Mac and PC. You can stream them on Android and Apple mobile devices through the browser. If you are not using WiFi, please check with your mobile carrier, as additional data rates may apply.
All events are Eastern Time unless otherwise noted. Here is the schedule. Please use a time zone converter of your choice or
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The course videos are prerecorded. Videos noted as “Live” are live.
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