Resurrecting Jesus:


Join Adyashanti in this online course beginning Monday, October 26, 2020.

Includes 2 Live Q&As with Adyashanti.
Featured In
Eckhart Teachings
Super Soul Sunday
Yoga Journal
Oprah Winfrey Network

"If we look at Jesus as a timeless living presence, as a metaphor for eternity within us, we can begin to step inside to that place where we become the sons and daughters of God."


When You Enroll in Resurrecting Jesus, You'll Receive . . .

Nine Video Lessons

Adyashanti guides you through the Jesus story from multiple thematic and spiritual perspectives

2 LIVE Q&A Sessions

Pose questions and offer opinions in two live conversations with Adyashanti

Exercises and Reflections

Engage with prompts for deeper contemplation of the course's stories and topics

Lifetime Access

Receive lifetime access to all video trainings, guided meditations, and bonus materials—the entire course is yours to keep forever

Dear friend,

The story of Jesus is the key mythic narrative of Western culture. And yet, when we actually dig into the substance of these unexamined myths, Jesus—the meek shepherd, the peacemaker, the one who turns the other cheek—bears little resemblance to the man described in the Gospels. That Jesus is passionate, engaged, infused with spirit. He is an outsider, an agitator, a rabble-rouser—one who stands up against worldly power and does not compromise truth for the sake of propriety.

When we look closer, we see why the Jesus story is a revolutionary text in both senses of the word: unprecedented and genuinely seeking to correct systemic injustice. Like other mystics, Jesus also looked beyond the superficial aspects that divide us and into the true interconnection of all people, be they Jew or Gentile, favored son or outcast leper.

What, then, does it mean to resurrect Jesus—to bring his message fully alive in your own being?

What if awakening called you not to withdraw, but to fully engage with the difficulties and the sorrows of the world?

What if you saw the Jesus story as a call to stand in your own truth rather than turn away from conflict?

What if the journey of Jesus—from his first calling to spirit to his ultimate sacrifice on the Cross—was not the story of someone fundamentally different from us, but the map of a journey we’re all asked to take?

“This is one of the things that really surprised me when I began to read the Gospels themselves: when I opened up the New Testament, I found Jesus to have this very dynamic quality of inner development."—Adyashanti

In Zen, it’s said our task is “to die before we die”—to go beyond the wants and hopes of the human ego so that we can live from the deeper truth of spirit. That form of resurrection is available to each of us, right now, in whatever situation we find ourselves. More than that, it is what the world needs in anxious and uncertain times.

This is why I originally created Resurrecting Jesus: Embodying the Spirit of a Revolutionary Mystic—to invite you to look more deeply into perhaps the most important, foundational narrative in Western culture. Though my own spiritual training was originally based in Zen Buddhism, I have felt a kinship with the Bible for the majority of my life. In this online course, I hope to share that fondness and curiosity for these narratives, as well as why they are more important than ever in this most precarious of historical moments.

Divided into nine sessions, Resurrecting Jesus will walk you through the stories of the New Testament while closely investigating the themes, images, and figures of each.
Not only will we examine Jesus’s narrative through these lenses, but we will also take a closer look at the apostles and other pivotal figures of the Gospels as mythic archetypes that are alive in us and are seeking to be understood. This will include two LIVE Q&A sessions in which I’ll answer your questions throughout the course.

It’s my hope that Resurrecting Jesus shares a perspective that breathes new life into an ancient but timeless story of spiritual courage and defiance. Whether you’re completely new to the narrative of Jesus or are returning to it with fresh eyes, please join me for a revelatory learning experience.

Yours on the journey,


Join Adyashanti to Experience . . .

  • Nine Sessions of Video Teachings
    Examine the narrative of Jesus and the Gospels as enduring metaphors, revolutionary history, eternally applicable mystic teachings, and much more.
  • Two LIVE Q&A Sessions
    Adyashanti will answer your specific questions and share recent insights with participants. You’ll be able to submit questions either ahead of time via email or via chat during the live broadcast.
  • Exercises and Reflection Questions
    Deepen and enrich your contemplative experience on your own time.
  • BONUS GIFT #1: Guided Meditations: Evoking the Divine Ground of Your Being
    Adyashanti presents a view of meditation not as a withdrawal from life, but as a sharpening of human experience in this full-length, downloadable audio program. Includes almost five hours of content to complement your journey.
  • BONUS GIFT #2: Seeing with the Eyes of the Heart: Living the Wisdom of the Jesus Story
    Adyashanti and respected spiritual teacher Cynthia Bourgeault team up for a four-hour downloadable audio reconsideration of the cultural, spiritual, and even unspoken narratives around Jesus.

“Adyashanti [has the] remarkable gift of being able to put the most ineffable and precious truths into down-to-earth language.”

Author of Shift into Freedom

When You Enroll in Resurrecting Jesus, You'll Discover ALL These Benefits

A Different View

Though the story of Jesus is a ubiquitous one, Adyashanti lends a unique perspective on its interpretation and importance.

Explore Mythic Archetypes

Find out how the events and people of the Gospels resonate with wisdom traditions across the ages.

Embody Spiritual Truths

Jesus spoke of the Kingdom of Heaven lying within—but what does that actually mean? Explore the interconnection that exists in all beings.

Look Beyond Borders

Jesus was a revolutionary in more ways than one. Discover how Jesus's radical inclusivity shifted the spiritual path.

Program Overview

Resurrecting Jesus is divided into nine sessions that cover a total of 12 hours of content. Adyashanti will also host two live question-and-answer sessions at 8 pm ET/5 pm PT on November 9 and December 7, 2020. Be sure to mark your calendars for these opportunities to ask Adya any questions you have about the course!

Session One
In our first lessons, Adya answers the question, “How did a spiritual teacher with a Zen Buddhist background get interested in Jesus?” He also begins to unpack the Gospels as important mythic documents. This session includes:
  • “My Connection to Jesus”
  • “The Gospels and the Myth of Jesus”

New Thoughts for an Old Spiritual Path

Session Two
Adya steps back from the Gospels to discuss the concept of spiritual awakening—what it is, how we find it, and how it’s been seen throughout the centuries. He considers how Jesus’s life mirrors the process of “waking up.” This session includes:
  • “The Jesus Story as a Map of Awakening”

Wake Up to the Importance of Narratives

Session Three

What are the most important foundations of the Jesus story? Here, Adya discusses the virgin birth, heavenly manifestations, the ordeal of wandering the desert, and the symbolic threshold of baptism. This session includes:

  • “Baptized in the Holy Spirit”
  • “Trials and Temptations”

Considering Mythic Allegories

Session Four
Every version of Jesus’s life includes many acts of divine healing. Adya examines these stories to find the sometimes-allegorical lessons beneath their surfaces. This session includes:
  • “Stories of Healing”
  • “Faith in Things Unseen”

Understanding the Good Works

Session Five
Some of the most compelling scenes of the Gospels depict Jesus working miracles. Join Adya for an in-depth examination of the mythic resonance of these divine acts. This session includes:
  • “The Parables”
  • “Miracles and Transfiguration”

Transformations Both Mundane and Miraculous

Session Six
Adya slows down to do a deep dive into the days and hours leading up to Jesus’s final arrest—from the confrontation at the temple to the moments after the Last Supper. This session includes:
  • “Holy Rage”
  • “The Last Supper”
  • “The Garden of Gethsemane”
  • A prerecorded interview with Tami Simon

Rising Up to Embrace Destiny

Session Seven
Adya looks at the trial and execution of Jesus as a parable of transcendent surrender—as well as the Resurrection seen in the intense, surreal telling that concludes the Gospel of Mark. This session includes:
  • “The Trial of the Son of God”
  • “Crucifixion and the Death of Self”
  • “The Resurrection”

The Transcendence of Surrender

Session Eight
The story of Jesus includes a bevy of fascinating historical and mythic figures. Here, Adya analyzes several of the most important as archetypes with rich spiritual resonances. This session includes:
  • “The Stories of Peter and Judas”
  • “The Stories of Pontius Pilate, Mary Magdalene, and John”

The Truths Beyond Biographies

Session Nine
What does it really mean to be Christ? Adya closes out the course with a meditation on messianic figures, the paradox of love, and the divinity of all beings. This session includes:
  • “Jesus and the Christ”

Program Overview

Resurrecting Jesus is divided into nine sessions that cover a total of 12 hours of content. Adyashanti will also host two live question-and-answer sessions at 8 pm ET/5 pm PT on November 9 and December 7, 2020. Be sure to mark your calendars for these opportunities to ask Adya any questions you have about the course!

In our first lessons, Adya answers the question, “How did a spiritual teacher with a Zen Buddhist background get interested in Jesus?” He also begins to unpack the Gospels as important mythic documents. This session includes:

  • “My Connection to Jesus”
  • “The Gospels and the Myth of Jesus”

Adya steps back from the Gospels to discuss the concept of spiritual awakening—what it is, how we find it, and how it’s been seen throughout the centuries. He considers how Jesus’s life mirrors the process of “waking up.” This session includes:

  • “The Jesus Story as a Map of Awakening”
What are the most important foundations of the Jesus story? Here, Adya discusses the virgin birth, heavenly manifestations, the ordeal of wandering the desert, and the symbolic threshold of baptism. This session includes:
  • “Baptized in the Holy Spirit”
  • “Trials and Temptations”
Every version of Jesus’s life includes many acts of divine healing. Adya examines these stories to find the sometimes-allegorical lessons beneath their surfaces. This session includes:
  • “Stories of Healing”
  • “Faith in Things Unseen”
Some of the most compelling scenes of the Gospels depict Jesus working miracles. Join Adya for an in-depth examination of the mythic resonance of these divine acts. This session includes:
  • “The Parables”
  • “Miracles and Transfiguration”
Adya slows down to do a deep dive into the days and hours leading up to Jesus’s final arrest—from the confrontation at the temple to the moments after the Last Supper. This session includes:
  • “Holy Rage”
  • “The Last Supper”
  • “The Garden of Gethsemane”
  • A prerecorded interview with Tami Simon
Adya looks at the trial and execution of Jesus as a parable of transcendent surrender—as well as the Resurrection seen in the intense, surreal telling that concludes the Gospel of Mark. This session includes:
  • “The Trial of the Son of God”
  • “Crucifixion and the Death of Self”
  • “The Resurrection”
The story of Jesus includes a bevy of fascinating historical and mythic figures. Here, Adya analyzes several of the most important as archetypes with rich spiritual resonances. This session includes:
  • “The Stories of Peter and Judas”
  • “The Stories of Pontius Pilate, Mary Magdalene, and John”
What does it really mean to be Christ? Adya closes out the course with a meditation on messianic figures, the paradox of love, and the divinity of all beings. This session includes:
  • “Jesus and the Christ”

Frequently Asked Questions

You don’t need any special religious or academic background to fully enjoy Resurrecting Jesus. While the content of the course focuses on the Christian Gospels, it investigates those stories through several different lenses, including metaphorical close reading and comparisons with similar wisdom traditions.

Unless you’ve previously read the book version of Resurrecting Jesus, it’s highly likely that you have not encountered Adyashanti’s thoughts, theories, and close examination of the subject. Not only does Adya bring his background in Zen Buddhism to his analysis of biblical stories, but also many other perspectives. Furthermore, Resurrecting Jesus is in no way a “deconstruction” or repudiation of religion. Rather, Adyashanti’s goal is to acknowledge and celebrate every view of Jesus—from only begotten son of God to historical Judean revolutionary.

Recordings of each live session will be made available in your Sounds True library within 48 hours of broadcast.
Absolutely! If this course fails to meet your expectations for any reason, simply contact Sounds True’s customer service for a full refund.

What Our Students Are Saying

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“Adyshanti gives an excellent interpretation of the Jesus story. It is clear, rational, and makes total sense. Having been alienated from Christianity because of its dogma, but being a Westerner and Christianity being my tradition, I felt a need to understand it better. Now I do. Many thanks to the wisdom of Adyashanti.”
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“Adyashanti writes clearly and from the heart about the path toward living our ‘beingness’ and the way in which the story of Christ as a real human being, and at the same time embodied spiritual being, teaches us how to do this.”
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“Everything made sense to me after going through the teaching to where emotional healing took place in me that could happen no other way I know of. Resurrecting Jesus brings clarity, insight, peace, and inspired motivation to take responsibility.”

Join the Waiting List!

Enrollment for Resurrecting Jesus has ended.

Please sign up below if you would like to be notified when we reopen registration.



Presence FAQ

Can I participate in an Inquiry discussion group?

The Diamond Approach is offering live, online Inquiry groups to accompany this course at a discounted rate — $100 for eight, 90-minute sessions, where you’ll take turns with other students working one-on-one with an expert teacher. This is completely optional and available after purchasing Presence.


How do I purchase Presence: Venture into the Heart of Enlightenment?

You can purchase it here.


How do I access Presence: Venture into the Heart of Enlightenment after I have purchased it?

To access your course, you will need to:

  • Log in to your Sounds True account
  • Click on “Digital Library” (located in the maroon navigation bar at the top right of the page)
  • Click on “Online Courses” (located on the left side of the page)
  • Find Presence: Venture into the Heart of Enlightenment
  • Click on “go to course”


How do I contact customer service?

You may contact us Monday–Friday, 8 am–5 pm MT.
Phone: US Customers 1.800.333.9185 #3
Phone: International Customers 1.303.665.3151 #3


What browsers do you recommend?

We recommend the most recent version of Safari for Mac users or Google Chrome for PC users (with a second choice of Firefox). We do not recommend using Internet Explorer—but if you must, please use version 11 or higher.


How do I access my bonuses?

To access Realization Unfolds: A Conversation between A.H. Almaas and Adyashanti, you will need to:

  • Log in to your Sounds True account
  • Click on “Digital Library” (located in the maroon navigation bar at the top right of the page)
  • Click on “Online Courses” (located on the left side of the page)
  • Find Realization Unfolds: A Conversation between A.H. Almaas and Adyashanti
  • Click on “go to course”


I already have the bonus in my library. Can I substitute it for something else?

Unfortunately, it is part of the bundle, and substitutions are not allowed.


Can I download the course audio or video content to a computer or mobile device?

You can download the audio/video content onto your computer or Android mobile device. With the exception of eBooks, Apple has restrictions that prevent items from being downloaded directly to iOS devices, unless purchased from iTunes or Apple. Digital items may be downloaded to your computer and then synchronized to your iOS device via iTunes. Courses are also available to stream within the Sounds True App.


Can I stream the live sessions from a computer or my mobile device?

Live sessions are viewable on Mac and PC. You can stream them on Android and Apple mobile devices through the browser. If you are not using WiFi, please check with your mobile carrier, as additional data rates may apply.


How do I know what time live sessions start if I live abroad or in a different time zone?

All events are Eastern Time unless otherwise noted. Here is the schedule. Please use a time zone converter of your choice or


Why is the video player blank, or why can’t I hear it?

Player solutions:

  • The session has not started. Please wait a few minutes.
  • Try refreshing your browser window or clearing your browser’s cache.
  • If the broadcast stops or you see a black screen, try refreshing your browser window.
  • If you are using a Windows PC, we recommend using the Google Chrome web browser.
  • If you are on a Mac, we recommend using the Safari web browser.
  • If you can’t hear anything, check the two places your volume is controlled. One is your video player and the other is your computer.


Are the sessions live or prerecorded?

The course videos are prerecorded. Videos noted as “Live” are live.


What is your return policy?

Click here for the Sounds True return policy.