A Love Revolution That Begins with You

with Matt Kahn

Join renowned spiritual teacher Matt Kahn for an odyssey into the most important aspect of our existence: love. In Whatever Arises, Love That, Matt will reveal that no matter life’s challenges, love is always the answer.

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“There is a loving intelligence at the core of your being that can lead you to the fulfillment of your destiny. Four words hold the secret to accessing it: whatever arises, love that.”

– Matt Kahn

Embark with Matt and Receive

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More Than 10 Hours of Teachings

Matt offers eight video sessions of provocative, heartful teachings.

icon people looking at computer

Q&A Sessions

Enjoy several pre-recorded Q&A sessions with Matt, as well as receive two previously recorded Q&As.

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Lifetime Access

Sounds True’s online courses are yours to keep with downloadable video, audio, and transcripts.

An Invitation from Your Teacher

Hello Beautiful One,

Is there a single secret to healing your emotional wounds, waking from spiritual apathy, and transforming every aspect of your life for the better?

I’m delighted to tell you that there is indeed an answer to that question—one that will open your world in ways you never thought possible.

Love is that answer.

It’s that simple!

Throughout my years of teaching, I have seen that the most dramatic transformations come from a willingness to love oneself more openly and more often. While I’ve met many who value love’s infinite power, I also know that few really know how to embrace themselves in an authentic and loving way.

“In a universe of endless questions, love is the only answer.”

My intuition showed me how to resolve this dilemma. Since receiving the visions to offer loving what arises as the core of my teachings, I have begun to see people at every level of spiritual development release lingering conditioning and find freedom from their confusion, fear, and frustration.

Now you can be a part of Whatever Arises, Love That, a transformative online course on the truth of your heart-centered nature. Once you open your heart, you’ll discover for yourself how powerful you were always meant to be.

It’s my heartfelt intention to kick off a Love Revolution on a global scale, where our differences are set aside to unite people from all walks of life. Given our current pandemic, racial divides, and divisions about vaccination nearly pitting friends, family, and neighbors against each other, this is the most fertile and pivotal time for love to do its most incredible healing. If you are ready to say yes to a more peaceful self and unified world, please join me for an experience like no other!

With a warm heart,

Matt Kahn

Meet Your Teacher

Matt Kahn

Matt Kahn is an author, spiritual teacher, and highly attuned empath. Since experiencing a series of rare and spontaneous awakenings that began at the age of eight, he has been instrumental in transforming lives worldwide through his insights and heart-centered teachings. He is the author of Everything Is Here to Help You, The Universe Always Has a Plan, and Whatever Arises, Love That.

Enroll Today and You’ll Receive:

  • Global / Bullet (medium)
    More Than 10 Hours of Teachings
    Matt Kahn guides you through eight sessions of video and written teachings, including practices for embodying love in any moment.
  • Global / Bullet (medium)
    Deep Dive Q&A Sessions
    Enjoy several deeply insightful, pre-recorded Q&A sessions with Matt and his students as he answers frequently asked questions about following the spiritual path.
  • Global / Bullet (medium)
    Lifetime Access
    Once you purchase Whatever Arises, Love That, you’ll be able to access it anywhere and anytime you have an Internet connection.
  • Global / Bullet (medium)
    More Than 10 Hours of Teachings
    Matt Kahn guides you through eight sessions of video and written teachings, including practices for embodying love in any moment.
  • Global / Bullet (medium)
    Q&A Sessions
    On November 9 and 30, enjoy the opportunity to chat with Matt on a LIVE video call. You’ll also get access to two previously recorded Q&As between Matt and students.
  • Global / Bullet (medium)
    Lifetime Access
    Once you purchase Whatever Arises, Love That, you’ll be able to access it anywhere and anytime you have an Internet connection.

Sign Up Today and You’ll Also Get This Bonus

A Free One-Month Trial of Sounds True One

A world of spiritual exploration, community, and daily practices at your fingertips! Enjoy originals and docuseries, sound healings, live community events, daily practice sessions, and much more with the leading spiritual teachers of our time.

Sounds True One Members can use the Sounds True One monthly discount code at checkout and receive 20% off the course.

Want to Know the Depths of Your Own Heart?

Whatever Arises, Love That offers a direct path to deep peace and a sense of connection. Drenched in clarity, empathy, and profound tenderness, Kahn’s words are both a hug and a catapult into living life fully.”

Alanis Morissette
Grammy® Award–winning singer-songwriter, speaker, teacher, activist

With Matt’s Guidance, You Will

Love Your Innocence

Practice showing unconditional love to your inner child as a path to fulfilling your destiny and reaching the highest levels of spiritual mastery.

Restore Integrity

Learn how radical honesty and personal accountability will open you to the fullest, most expansive experience of love.

Cultivate Vulnerability

Realize the power of true surrender, and recognize how life’s most uncomfortable experiences are portals to spiritual maturity and unexpected blessings.

Uncover Purpose

Lay claim to the Master who has always been waiting within you, ready to embody and transmit divine love and presence to all beings.

Integrate Ego

Discover the truth about ego, why it hijacks your experiences, and how to resolve it in the most heart-centered way.

Embrace Whatever Arises

Open your heart so that you can be a living transmission of love no matter life’s circumstances.

Want to Know the Depths of Your Own Heart?

Join Matt in Exploring
Love’s Highest Wisdom

Whatever Arises, Love That reveals Matt’s teachings on the basics of a loving universe, the true nature of ego, and the heights of divine transcendence. You will receive access to all of the course content the moment you enroll so you can move through it at your own pace.

Session One: The Love Revolution

Matt initiates the course with an overview of his philosophy: that love is available and inviting you in every single moment.

Here you will learn:

  • What it means to have “spiritual accountability”
  • How to touch into the innate, childlike innocence of the heart
  • The story of Matt’s own journey as a lifelong empath and intuitive

“You deserve more love, not less.”

Session Two: Common Questions with Matt Kahn

In this previously aired Q&A teaching session, Matt answers students’ questions and comments on the overall scope of the course.

Here you will experience:

  • Why it’s not useful to try to purge thought and emotion on your spiritual journey
  • Understanding the true divine self observing all of your lived experience
  • Why the conscious practice of self-love strengthens your presence around others

“What if the mind is the imagination of the heart, and the heart is the feeling center of the mind?”

Session Three: The Heart of Surrender

What is the true marker that you’re on your way down the spiritual path? For Matt, it’s a willingness to accept the present moment just as it is.

Here you will discover:

  • How to craft a personal love statement to anchor you in times of difficulty and doubt
  • What the ego really is, and how to soothe its energetic inflammation
  • Practices for connecting with the breath and body

“When you stop fighting with the forces within you, the forces unite to serve your destiny.”

Session Four: Turn It into a Gift

Untangling ourselves from the whims of an inflamed ego is easier said than done. Matt shows you how to approach, understand, and ultimately detach from egoic desires.

Here you will explore:

  • How to uncover the hidden gifts of the moment, no matter the situation
  • Why persistent egoic desires might not have originated within your lifetime
  • The four kinds of egoic inflammation, and the different methods of unraveling them

“Each and every one of us is the carrier of a unique frequency that only we can emanate into the world.”

Session Five: Conscious Communication

You can’t be a vessel of love if you don’t know how to transmit it. Matt walks you through how to communicate with openness, honesty, and abiding patience.

Here you will learn:

  • The emotions that inhibit clear communication, and why it’s important to embrace rather than reject them
  • Why egoic thought so effectively gets in the way of active listening
  • How loving the form of the moment builds courage and resilience

“What you are feeling is what’s healing.”

Session Six: Deeper into the Heart of Surrender

Becoming a living expression of love requires you to slow down and deeply consider every situation. With Matt’s guidance, you’ll learn how to cultivate the focus and integrity to be a vessel of divine intent.

Here you will explore:

  • Understanding, assimilating, and removing the power of words that have been used to hurt you
  • The unexpected value of embracing and delving into spiritual confusion
  • A guided practice for holding others in the space of your loving gaze

“Whenever your body is relaxed, you are living life at the speed of your heart.”

Session Seven: Common Questions with Matt Kahn

In the second of these Q&A sessions recorded during a previous broadcast, Matt fields students’ questions and comments on self-love practices.

Here you will experience:

  • The simple-but-potent value of learning to give yourself compliments
  • Why resistance to love shouldn’t be buried, but acknowledged honestly
  • How to notice and regulate the quality of your breath

“Laughter is the soul peeking through layers of ego to recognize its divine form.”

Session Eight: Awakening and Ascension

In this culmination of the course, Matt describes the fruits of his transcendent journey into all-encompassing love.

With Matt’s example, you will discover:

  • The Akashic Records: a source of wisdom from beyond time and the constraints of ego
  • Why awakening to your true divine nature is not the end of a path, but the beginning
  • How claiming your mastery unlocks boundless and ever-present experiences of love

“With love as your guide, you activate the most potent form of healing to shift all areas of your reality.”

Matt initiates the course with an overview of his philosophy: that love is available and inviting you in every single moment. Here you will learn:
  • What it means to have “spiritual accountability”
  • How to touch into the innate, childlike innocence of the heart
  • The story of Matt’s own journey as a lifelong empath and intuitive
In this previously aired Q&A teaching session, Matt answers students’ questions and comments on the overall scope of the course. Here you will experience:
  • Why it’s not useful to try to purge thought and emotion on your spiritual journey
  • Understanding the true divine self observing all of your lived experience
  • Why the conscious practice of self-love strengthens your presence around others
What is the true marker that you’re on your way down the spiritual path? For Matt, it’s a willingness to accept the present moment just as it is. Here you will discover:
  • How to craft a personal love statement to anchor you in times of difficulty and doubt
  • What the ego really is, and how to soothe its energetic inflammation
  • Practices for connecting with the breath and body
Untangling ourselves from the whims of an inflamed ego is easier said than done. Matt shows you how to approach, understand, and ultimately detach from egoic desires. Here you will explore:
  • How to uncover the hidden gifts of the moment, no matter the situation
  • Why persistent egoic desires might not have originated within your lifetime
  • The four kinds of egoic inflammation, and the different methods of unraveling them
You can’t be a vessel of love if you don’t know how to transmit it. Matt walks you through how to communicate with openness, honesty, and abiding patience. Here you will learn:
  • The emotions that inhibit clear communication, and why it’s important to embrace rather than reject them
  • Why egoic thought so effectively gets in the way of active listening
  • How loving the form of the moment builds courage and resilience
Becoming a living expression of love requires you to slow down and deeply consider every situation. With Matt’s guidance, you’ll learn how to cultivate the focus and integrity to be a vessel of divine intent. Here you will explore:
  • Understanding, assimilating, and removing the power of words that have been used to hurt you
  • The unexpected value of embracing and delving into spiritual confusion
  • A guided practice for holding others in the space of your loving gaze
In the second of these Q&A sessions recorded during a previous broadcast, Matt fields students’ questions and comments on self-love practices. Here you will experience:
  • The simple-but-potent value of learning to give yourself compliments
  • Why resistance to love shouldn’t be buried, but acknowledged honestly
  • How to notice and regulate the quality of your breath
In this culmination of the course, Matt describes the fruits of his transcendent journey into all-encompassing love. With Matt’s example, you will discover:
  • The Akashic Records: a source of wisdom from beyond time and the constraints of ego
  • Why awakening to your true divine nature is not the end of a path, but the beginning
  • How claiming your mastery unlocks boundless and ever-present experiences of love

Frequently Asked Questions

This course contains many of the same teachings as the earlier audio offering. In addition to teachings on video, Whatever Arises, Love That contains several previously recorded Q&A sessions with Matt and his students, along with four bonuses to help deepen your journey.

You don’t need to be an adherent of any to appreciate his instruction. All you need to participate in Whatever Arises, Love That is an open mind, the patience to listen, and the willingness to open your heart wider than it’s ever been.

Yes. You will get access to all of the modules the moment you enroll so you can go through them at your own pace. Plus you’ll receive lifetime access to all of the course materials so that you can experience them again anytime you like.

Absolutely. As with all of Sounds True’s offerings, you can explore this course risk-free for an entire year. If it fails to meet your expectations for any reason, simply contact our customer support team for a full refund.

If you have specific questions about this program, or are having trouble accessing the digital library, please contact our Customer Service team. Our representatives will be happy to help you. For financial assistance, please check out our scholarship application.

What Matt’s Students Have To Say

Darius B.
Darius B.
Read More
“Every once in a while, someone radically shifts the paradigm of love and spiritual understanding. When they do, we all WAKE up to a new way of being, loving, and understanding our lives. Matt Kahn is that person!”
Martha H.
Martha H.
Read More
“I am so very thankful for this profoundly accurate invitation into authenticity. As a spiritual seeker for many years, it is now more obvious than ever how much my spiritual ego has been involved in creating an identity of self-worth. It is surely time to take this mask off, set it down, and move on into pure loving wisdom. And so it is.”
Kathryn T.
Kathryn T.
Read More
“I am continually amazed that Matt Kahn can take such complex subjects and transform them into simple teachings that go right into my heart. I experience ‘ahas’ that bring both peace and clarity—and sometimes tears.”

Register today for Whatever Arises, Love That

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$ 197 Limited Time Only
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$ 67 Limited Time Only



Would you like a free preview of the course?

Enjoy a free guided practice for revolutionary self-love from world-renowed spiritual teacher Matt Kahn.

Sign up for the webinar today!

Presence FAQ

Can I participate in an Inquiry discussion group?

The Diamond Approach is offering live, online Inquiry groups to accompany this course at a discounted rate — $100 for eight, 90-minute sessions, where you’ll take turns with other students working one-on-one with an expert teacher. This is completely optional and available after purchasing Presence.


How do I purchase Presence: Venture into the Heart of Enlightenment?

You can purchase it here.


How do I access Presence: Venture into the Heart of Enlightenment after I have purchased it?

To access your course, you will need to:

  • Log in to your Sounds True account
  • Click on “Digital Library” (located in the maroon navigation bar at the top right of the page)
  • Click on “Online Courses” (located on the left side of the page)
  • Find Presence: Venture into the Heart of Enlightenment
  • Click on “go to course”


How do I contact customer service?

You may contact us Monday–Friday, 8 am–5 pm MT.
Email: support@soundstrue.com
Phone: US Customers 1.800.333.9185 #3
Phone: International Customers 1.303.665.3151 #3


What browsers do you recommend?

We recommend the most recent version of Safari for Mac users or Google Chrome for PC users (with a second choice of Firefox). We do not recommend using Internet Explorer—but if you must, please use version 11 or higher.


How do I access my bonuses?

To access Realization Unfolds: A Conversation between A.H. Almaas and Adyashanti, you will need to:

  • Log in to your Sounds True account
  • Click on “Digital Library” (located in the maroon navigation bar at the top right of the page)
  • Click on “Online Courses” (located on the left side of the page)
  • Find Realization Unfolds: A Conversation between A.H. Almaas and Adyashanti
  • Click on “go to course”


I already have the bonus in my library. Can I substitute it for something else?

Unfortunately, it is part of the bundle, and substitutions are not allowed.


Can I download the course audio or video content to a computer or mobile device?

You can download the audio/video content onto your computer or Android mobile device. With the exception of eBooks, Apple has restrictions that prevent items from being downloaded directly to iOS devices, unless purchased from iTunes or Apple. Digital items may be downloaded to your computer and then synchronized to your iOS device via iTunes. Courses are also available to stream within the Sounds True App.


Can I stream the live sessions from a computer or my mobile device?

Live sessions are viewable on Mac and PC. You can stream them on Android and Apple mobile devices through the browser. If you are not using WiFi, please check with your mobile carrier, as additional data rates may apply.


How do I know what time live sessions start if I live abroad or in a different time zone?

All events are Eastern Time unless otherwise noted. Here is the schedule. Please use a time zone converter of your choice or thetimezoneconverter.com.


Why is the video player blank, or why can’t I hear it?

Player solutions:

  • The session has not started. Please wait a few minutes.
  • Try refreshing your browser window or clearing your browser’s cache.
  • If the broadcast stops or you see a black screen, try refreshing your browser window.
  • If you are using a Windows PC, we recommend using the Google Chrome web browser.
  • If you are on a Mac, we recommend using the Safari web browser.
  • If you can’t hear anything, check the two places your volume is controlled. One is your video player and the other is your computer.


Are the sessions live or prerecorded?

The course videos are prerecorded. Videos noted as “Live” are live.


What is your return policy?

Click here for the Sounds True return policy.